Briques Passion Logos partenaires

Our stock, source of parts.

Where does our stock come from?

Our stock of LEGO® parts comes only from LEGO® boxes that we buy directly from various suppliers in Europe.

We do not sell used parts. You should know that LEGO® conditions loose parts in bags. They are in contact with each other and may in some cases show some slight traces of friction.

How are our parts stored?

All our stock of parts, mini figures, stickers, absolutely everything is carefully stored in boxes of different volumes to protect them from dust, sun and humidity.

How many different references and parts do we have when the site is launched?

We launched the website on February 01, 2022 with 5,000 references and half a millio parts.

General terms of sales   -   Legal notice   -   © 2021 - 2025  Briques Passion
the BRIQUESPASSION® company is neither endorsed nor sponsored by the LEGO® trademark of the LEGO® group
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Dear clients,

Ordering is no longer possible for an indefinite period.
Deliveries will hopefully resume very soon.

Thank you for your loyalty.
