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LEGO® Slope Curved 1x1x1 - 1/3 with Recessed Stud

Pièce 0,12
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LEGO® Brand Slope Curved 1x1x1 - 1/3 with Recessed Stud

Dimensions: 0.8x1.6x1.3 cms

Medium Nougat

Set: 40379 -

#recessed 3.8 #curved 3.6 #slope 3.5 #lego 3.4 #stud 3.4 #with 3.4 #archs 2.5 #dimensions 2 #medium 1.6 #nougat 1.6

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Technical info
Ref. Element6167645 - 6360296
Ref. Design6091 - 32807
Color150 - Medium nougat

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